MyQQ is a cross-platform library for communication which uses a TencentQQ-like protocol to communicate with friends on the Internet. It can work well now and maintained by Xiaoxia ( If you are interested in MyQQ and have improved i
CxImage Structure CxImage类库是一个优秀的图像操作类库。它可以快捷地存取、显示、转换各种图像。有的读者可能说,有那么多优秀的图形库,如OpenIL,FreeImage,PaintLib等等,它们可谓是功能强大,齐全,没必要用其它的类库。但我要说,这些类库基本上没有免费的,使用这些类库,你要被这样那样的许可协议所束缚。在这点上,CxImage类库是完全免费的。另外,在使用上述类库时,你会遇到重重麻烦。因为它们大部分是平台无关的,且用C语言写成,有的还夹杂着基本的C++ w
试图从头开始构建卷积程序。 放弃了c ++,所以是python
to_gray_scale: Basically the title, takes the image and converts it to grayscale
for example for the edge detection kernels
convolute: Again, basi