什么是Media Player Classic? 知道的人不多,但提起国内的暴风影音,我想知道的人就多了,其实暴风影音就是Media Player Classic,暴风影音只是同我一样从Gabest官方下载到了Media Player Classic的源码,不同的是,暴风影音将Media Player Classic改成了自己的名字并加入了许多的解码器,打包成自己的产品,其实这也无可厚非,关键就在于其作者老爱把里面捆绑一些我们用不到的软件. 声明,我说的真的假的,明白的人会看看暴风影音的关于菜
this program is a media player , i used wpf with c# to make it , Of course i used expression blend 1 and 2 with VS 2008 it is a sample of the wpf strength , i uploaded very good book in blend and wpf , you can download it too .