ISO11898 CAN标准系列最新版 包含5个部分,分别是ISO11898-1 到ISO11898-5,简单内容如下: ISO 11898-1-2003.pdf (老版标准) ISO 11898-1-2015.pdf (新版标准-CANFD) Data link layer and physical signalling ISO 11898-2-2003.pdf ISO 11898-2-2016.pdf specifies the high-speed (transmission rates
ISO_11898 Part1_2_3_4_5_6标准_新旧版本+CANFD,标准清单如下:
ISO 11898-1-2015.12.15.pdf
ISO 11898-2-2016.12.15.pdf
ISO 11898-1-2003.12.01.pdf(已废止)
ISO 11898-2-2003.12.01.pdf(已废止)
ISO 11898-3-2006.06.01.pdf
ISO 11898-4-2004.08.01.pdf
ISO 11898-5-2007.06.15.p
This document describes general specification of hardware related parts, CAN FD communication and network related diagnostics for ECUs in high-speed CAN FD.