CAPL语言是vector公司的一种面向对象编程语言,类似C++。结合Vector公司的硬件平台CANoe,开发者可以利用CAPL开发出优美的LIN/CAN总线通讯测试界面。CAPL是学习汽车电子嵌入式开发人员应该要熟知的。 By the way,资料语言是英语文本。如果下载人员有对CAPL不熟悉的,请联系我, email:,乐意为大家解答这方面内容。
CANalyzer and CANoe are two well-known tools that offer extensive simulation, development, and analysis of various bus systems and protocols. Both flagship tools, owned by Vector, are equipped with their own programming language called CAPL (CAN Acc
Quick Introduction To CAPL This application note is a brief introduction to CAPL, the easy-to-use C-based programming language and integrated programming environment inside both CANalyzer and CANoe. The focus is to help the beginning CAPL programmer