Table of Contents [内容列表] Preface [序] I. Getting Started [开始] 1. What is Smarty? [什么是Smaty?] 2. Installation [安装] Requirements [安装] Basic Installation [基本安装] Extended Setup [扩展设置] II. Smarty For Template Designers [模板设计者篇] 3. Basic Syntax [基本语法] Comm
Most natural optimization problems, including those arising in important
application areas, are NP-hard. Therefore, under the widely believed conjecture
that P -=/= NP, their exact solution is prohibitively time consuming.
Charting the landscape of a
DSView is a multi-function signal capture and analysis software. Its main function
include logic signal capture and measure, digital protocol analysis and debug, analog
signal real-time capture and measure, spectrum analysis, etc.