OLAP and data warehousing in SQL are a part of this, but they are not the only tools. However, much of this kind of work has to be done with thirdparty tools, such as report generators, statistical packages, data transformation tools, and so forth.
SQL解惑第二版英文原版 “本书是数据库界最受尊敬的专家Joe Celko众多经典图书中的一部。书中汇集了许多含义丰富的难题,是SQL程序员修炼内功的绝佳之作。”. ——SQL-Server-Peformance.com “这是一本绝妙的书!我用本书培训开发小组的成员,起到了意想不到的效果。大家的SQL技能都有了很大提高。”... ——Lex van de pol,荷兰资深项目经理
It is for the working SQL programmer who wants to pick up some advanced programming tips and techniques. It assumes that the reader is an SQL programmer with a year or more of experience.