V8 is Google's open source Javascr ipt engine. V8 is written in C++ and is used in Google Chrome, the open source browser from Google. V8 implements ECMAscr ipt as specified in ECMA-262, 3rd edition, and runs on Windows XP and Vista, Mac OS X 10.5 (
V8 is built for speed and scalability V8 is ready for next generation web applications V8 is fully open source and we hope you will contribute V8 is embeddable with a clean API ... and by the way, we've just started
Chrome 百科名片 Google Chrome,中文名为“谷歌浏览器”,是一个由Google公司开发的网页浏览器。与苹果公司的safari相抗衡,浏览速度在众多浏览器中走在前列,属于高端浏览器。采用BSD许可证授权并开放源代码,开源计划名为Chromium.本软件的代码是基于其他开放源代码软件所撰写,包括WebKit和Mozilla,目标是提升稳定性、速度和安全性,并创造出简单且有效的使用者界面。软件的名称是来自于又称作“Chrome”的网络浏览器图形使用者界面(GUI)。 目录[隐藏]