========================================== NO ONE LIVES FOREVER Source Code v1.003 May 15, 2001 ========================================== I. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS II. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS III. DIRECTORY STRUCTURE IV. NOLF VISUAL C++ WORKSPACE V.
Chapter 2 Magic coins example. magic_coins1.py Chapter 3 Favourite sports. favourite_sports.py Furniture placeholder. furniture_placeholder.py A list of lists. list_of_lists.py A letter from Malcolm Dithering dithering_letter.py Escaping quotes quot
This repository contains implementation of some Algorithms based on drawing some basic shapes like a line , circle, ellipse and their transformation on the computer Screen. BGI graphics library is used to achieve generation of shapes using cpp which
一、下载须知: .................本书无目录 .................本书经过内容识别处理,所以好处就是书上的案例源码可以直接粘贴复制到编辑器中,当然有个别括号什么的可能需要自己纠正一下。 ................本书高清 ...............本书是和代码结合在一起讲解的,其中也讲到了运行时类的识别等等。 二、截取部分章节 《第18章:运行时类型识别》 RTTI的两种使用方法 使用RT T I有两种不同的方法。第一种就像s i z e o f ( )
Reingold和Tilford的Bresenham's Circle and line drawing algorithm and Tidier Drawings of Trees的实现。
编译:g ++ main.cpp -lglut -lGL -lGLU
圆和线图文件夹包含1个文件: 1. Circle_linedrawing_final.cpp:绘制一个包含输入半径,中心坐标的圆和一条包含端点坐标的线
树形图文件夹包含3个文件: 1. bst.h:创建要使用的简单二进