项目中使用的是1.4.7,作为eclipse的插件装的;后来又在机子上装了个TortoiseSVN 1.6.5。遇到的问题: 引用 This client is too old to work with working copy 'D:\MyEclipseWorkspace\projectName\WebRoot\WEB-INF\lib'; please get a newer Subversion client. 估计是不经意中使用了1.6.5做了提交导致的问题。 官方解决办法: http:
One of the most useful features of today’s modern browsers is the ability to store data right on the user’s computer or mobile device. Even as more people move toward the cloud, client-side storage can still save web developers a lot of time and mon
Browsers have—slowly and with a lot of growing pains—evolved over the past decade to become powerful workhorses. Enhanced layout controls, 3D graphics and gaming, and even music are now within the realm of possibility of the little old browser. One