1 , Manager.zipThis has assorted functions (file copy, time, settings, etc).2 , manc-html.zipAn example I did to retreive an Email Address or URL from an HTML file.3 , basFile.zipThis bas fi le is filled with assorted file related functions. If you
v3.17 * updated libFLAC to version 1.2.1 * added a flush after every log line to help GUIs * "eac3to some.mpls" now also works if the stream files aren't there, anymore * fixed: number of subtitles was not appended to demuxed subtitles' file name *
Cheat Engine V5.6.1 Cheat Engine是一款内存修改编辑工具,它允许你修改你的游戏,所以你将总是赢。它包括16进制编辑,反汇编程序,内存查找工具。与同类修改工具相比,它具有强大的反汇编功能,且自身附带了外挂制作工具,可以用它直接生成外挂。 Fixes: Fixed bug where ce would crash(close) on XP systems on certain type of games when opening a process Fixed the
ChromeCacheView v1.25 Copyright (c) 2008 - 2010 Nir Sofer Web site: http://www.nirsoft.net Descr iption ChromeCacheView is a small utility that reads the cache folder of Google Chrome Web browser, and displays the list of all files currently stored
Copyright (C) 2000-2003 by MoodySoft Inc., http://www.moodysoft.comAll Rights ReservedSPX Instant Screen Capture is a screen capture tool that brings the convenience of selectinga portion of the screen and sending it instantly to a destination of yo
Dim filem As String '保存文件名 Dim str As String Dim msg Dim bu As Boolean '用于判断文本框中的内容是否改变 Public Nexts As Double '用于存储查找末字符的位置 Public Sv, mo As Double 'sv用于存储查的下一个字符的位置,mo用于存储查找第一次查找字符的位置 Dim Cmt(3) As Single, Cml(3) As Single, Cmw(3) As Single, Cmh(3
dvanced Data Export VCL is a component suite for Borland Delphi and C++ Builder that allows you to save your data in the most popular data formats for the future viewing, modification, printing or web publication. You can export data into MS Access,
Data export into 17 most popular formats: MS Access, MS Excel, MS Word, Open XML Format, Open Document Format (ODF), RTF, HTML, XML, PDF, TXT, DBF, CSV, SYLK, DIF, LaTeX, SQL and Windows Clipboard Delphi 5-7, 2005-2007, 2009, 2010, XE, XE2, XE3, XE4
Advanced Data Export VCL is a component suite for Borland Delphi and C++ Builder that allows you to save your data in the most popular data formats for the future viewing, modification, printing or web publication. You can export data into MS Access
sorry, http://download.csdn.net/detail/bjabc/5729051 has error, please download this. Data export into 17 most popular formats: MS Access, MS Excel, MS Word, Open XML Format, Open Document Format (ODF), RTF, HTML, XML, PDF, TXT, DBF, CSV, SYLK, DIF,
Visual CertExam Suite 1.9 - readme.txt February 2, 2006 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. WHAT IS VISUAL CERTEXAM SUITE?