* a very sensitive CW decoding algorithm based on the methods of Bayesian statistics; * simulatneous decoding of ALL cw signals in the receiver passband - up to 700 signals can be decoded in parallel on a 3-GHz P4 if a wideband receiver is used; * a
以WEB的方式实现之 package myproject; import java.io.*; import java.util.StringTokenizer; public class Kmeans implements DataContent{ public double [][] pattern=new double[MAXPATTERN][MAXVECTDIM];//样本数据 public Acluster [] cluster;//生成的聚类结果 public int numPat
Over the last 4 years, Bitcoin, a decentralized P2P crypto- currency, has gained widespread attention. The ability to create pseudo- anonymous financial transactions using bitcoins has made the currency attractive to users who value their privacy. A
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lec ting the motor is not the only area where
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mator into the automation world is equally
flexible. whether a field bus system is used o
Designing-Machine-Learning-Systems-with-Python.pdfDesigning Machine Learning Systems with Python
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Segmentation of the Cardiac Left Ventricle from Cine Magnetic Resonance Images Using Local Inhomogeneous Intensity Clustering with Prior Shape Constraint