计算机图形学群体动画模拟,由这一行业的专家Daniel Thalmann撰写。主要内容有: 1. Introduction 2. State of the Art 3. Modeling of Populations 4. Virtual Human Animation 5. Behavioral Animation of Crowds 6. Relating Real Crowds with Virtual Crowds 7. Crowd Rendering 8. Populated Env
Abstract—A neural-based crowd estimation system for surveillance in complex scenes at underground station platform is presented. Estimation is carried out by extracting a set of significant features from sequences of images. Those feature indexes ar
Abstract: This paper considers the problem of automatic estimation of crowd densities, an important part of the problem of automatic crowd monitoring and control. A new technique based on texture descr iption of the images of the area under surveill
Group and Crowd Behavior for Computer Vision[Book-2017]+高清无码+文字可复制+PDF/A长期归档 主要包括三个部分17个章节,是2017年最新出品的关于Group和Crowd Collectiveness,以及metric learning,detecting,tracking,segmenting and so on诸多方面的书,非常适合关注于人群场景理解和行为分析方面的炼金术师!强烈推荐!