#include "stdio.h" #include "conio.h" #include "string.h" #define MAX 5000 int start,end,nodenum; void save1(); void save2(); void main() { FILE *fp1,*fp2,*fp3; float ver[50]; int t[14],i,j,m; int num_node[4]; int node_number; int n umber=0; float v
DATAS SEGMENT data db 50,?,50 dup(?);此处输入数据段代码 message1 db 'input some numbers:$' message2 db 'sort ok:$' message3 db 13,10,'$' DATAS ENDS STACKS SEGMENT stack1 db 200 dup(?);此处输入堆栈段代码 STACKS ENDS CODES SEGMENT ASSUME CS:CODES,DS:DATAS,SS:STACKS STA
BDB 2007 is a software of database design and database deployment distributed by Bainsoft(www.bainsoft.com). It suppots such database as Oralce,MS SQLServer,MySQL,Access,SQLAnywhere and Sybase. Through the BDB you can quickly build up a database mod
BDB 2007 is a software of database design and database deployment distributed by Bainsoft(www.bainsoft.com). It suppots such database as Oralce,MS SQLServer,MySQL,Access,SQLAnywhere and Sybase. Through the BDB you can quickly build up a database mod
输入成绩,显示出学生的学号 成绩及名次DATAS SEGMENT GRADE DB 50 DUP (?) RANK DB 50 DUP (?) STR1 DB 'please input the mark of class:','$' str2 db 13,10,'$' str3 db 'Num mark rank','$' str4 db ' ','$' str5 db 'input the number of the class(00~99):','$' NUM dw ? DATAS EN
经典小巧的表格组件 What's new in version 4. * This version does not support Delphi 4 and C++ Builer 4 anymore. + There are new components for unified loading tabular information from server to client with after-treatment this data on the client: editing, so