12.整理表 db2 connect to o_yd user db2 using pwd db2 reorg table ydd db2 runstats on table ydd with distribution and indexes all 13.导出表数据 db2 export to c:\dftz.txt of del select * from dftz db2 export to c:\dftz.ixf of ixf select * from dftz 14.导入表数据 i
oracl 和db2 常用语法比较: 1、取前N条记录 Oracle:Select * from TableName where rownum <= N; DB2:Select * from TableName fetch first N rows only; 2、取得系统日期 Oracle:Select sysdate from dual; DB2:Select current timestamp from sysibm.sysdummy1; 3、空值转换 Oracle:Select