This resource describes techniques for debugging programs both during code writing and after an application is finished, as well as covers the Visual Studio .NET 2003 debugger and adds chapters on the FastTrace and smooth working set tools.
This resource describes techniques for debugging programs both during code writing and after an application is finished, as well as covers the Visual Studio .NET 2003 debugger and adds chapters on the FastTrace and smooth working set tools.
书名:微软研发:致胜策略 英文原书名:Debugging the Development Process 作者:史蒂夫·马魁尔 译者:苏斐然 作者详细描述了他在美国领导项目的各种实际的策略方法,教您如何开发高质量的软件,而且绝不延误。本书中,作者以直率、真诚的笔调,与您畅谈在微软中经历过的种种成功与失败,他将告诉您:如何增进团队的工作效率,而且让每个人都乐在其中?为什么您曾想把超级程序员赶走?如何避免落入行政程序的天罗地网?有哪些小小的改变,可以获取极大的效益?不必加班就能如期完成软件的秘诀?