安装指南:http://blog.csdn.net/superdog007/article/details/50598721 Version: 1.2.10 DHC by Restlet is designed and developed by developers for developers to make direct HTTP/REST resource discovery, manipulation and testing more easily. Our long-term mis
You are about to download the DHC REST Client 2.3.0 crx file for Chrome 38 and up: Visually interact with REST, SOAP and HTTP APIs. ...
The offline crx file for DHC REST Client v2.3.0 was archived from the Chrome Web Store without any modifications.
华盛顿地质勘测公司正在用激光跟踪和测高法,改进“双獭”DHC-6/300型机载地形测绘仪。所用的成本是1500万美元。该公司已把340万美元的合同给予Charles Stark Draper实验钇用以装备为该实验室研制的激光测绘仪、惯性平台和激光跟踪器。其设计精度是,当飞机飞行高度为2000英尺时,垂直:6英寸; 水平:2英尺。