The DVEVM (Digital Video Evaluation Module) is an evaluation platform that showcases the DM644x architecture and lets users evaluate the power and performance of the DM644x as a Multimedia engine. The intended audience is the user who is developing
DVEVM Getting Started Guide,The DVEVM (Digital Video Evaluation Module) is an evaluation platform that showcases the DM644x architecture and lets users evaluate the power and performance of the DM644x as a Multimedia engine. The intended audience is
视频监控领域正向 IP 网络进行技术过渡。可将 IP 网络摄像系统定义为网络与视频处理技术相统一的摄像单元。网络摄像系统拥有自己的 IP 地址和计算功能,能处理网络通信任务。其能捕获影像并通过可支持远程查看和用户随时随地都能控制的网络进行传输。TI 的 DSP 支持各种标准与非标准视频格式的影像压缩。此外,TI DSP 还拥有智能影像分析功能,并支持各种类型的网络协议。数字视频传输正快速成为安全监控系统的标准要求。有线与无线连接对安防与监控架构的设计至关重要。
DM644x SoC 处理器