英文版 This book assumes you are comfortable with the Java language and programming environment, in addition to object-oriented programming in general. This book does not attempt to be a basic language tutorial. You should be thoroughly familiar with t
There are many algorithm texts that provide lots of well-polished code and proofs of correctness. Instead, this one presents insights, notations, and analogies to help the novice describe and think about algorithms like an expert. It is a bit like a
• The first chapter identifies where ADO.NET is located in the .NET solar system and its various major building blocks. • The second chapter begins with identifying the major geographical features of the ADO.NET terrain. It serves very well as a map
PREFACE General Character and Purpose of the Instructor’s Manual This Manual contains: (I) Detailed solutions of the even-numbered problems. (II) General comments on the purpose of each section and its classroom use, with mathematical and didactic i