二维条码/二维码 (2-dimensional bar code) 是用某种特定的几何图形按一定规律在平面(二维方向上)分布的黑白相间的图形记录数据符号信息的;在代码编制上巧妙地利用构成计算机内部逻辑基础的“0”、“1”比特流的概念,使用若干个与二进制相对应的几何形体来表示文字数值信息,通过图象输入设备或光电扫描设备自动识读以实现信息自动处理:它具有条码技术的一些共性:每种码制有其特定的字符集;每个字符占有一定的宽度;具有一定的校验功能等。同时还具有对不同行的信息自动识别功能、及处理图形旋转变
This book is a detailed descr iption of the basics of three-dimensional digital image processing. A 3D digital image (abbreviated as “3D image” below) is a digitalized representation of a 3D object or an entire 3D space, stored in a computer as a 3D
Outline – Place & Principles Scoping – The place for Dimensional Modeling Within Enterprise Reporting Architecture Where & Why (system/data diffs contrasted) Within the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Context – Major DW/BI Approaches