Windows 下安装Perl模块的方法讨论 手动编译方式 优点:通吃所有模块 缺点:有点麻烦 具体步骤:1安装编译器2设置编译器的环境变量3可能安装dmake 具体方法:如下 1.首先要有个c编译器2.编译步骤,在cpan上下载需要的模块 perl make make test make install The nmake that comes with Visual C++ will suffice for building. You will need to run the VCVARS32.BAT file, usually found somewhere like C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual S
dmake 编译工具 Dmake is a make utility similar to GNU make or the Workshop dmake. This utility has an irregular syntax but is available for Linux, Solaris, Win32 and other platforms. It is used by the build system. This version of dmake i