In describing tools for internet security, this title focuses on understanding the system architecture of existing security and on developing architectural changes for new security services. Topics include security threats in wireless networks, secu
Wireless games are always on and always with you, and can reach a more massive audience than any other gaming platform in history. No programming language is as suited for micro games as Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME). Micro Java Game Development is yo
移动手机联盟创始成员: Aplix、Ascender、Audience、Broadcom、中国移动、eBay、Esmertec、谷歌、宏达电、英特尔、KDDI、 Living Image、LG、Marvell、摩托罗拉、NMS、NTT DoCoMo、Nuance、Nvidia、PacketVideo、高通、三星、 SiRF、SkyPop、Sonic Network、Sprint Nextel、Synaptics、TAT、意大利电信、西班牙电信、德州仪器、T-Mobile 和Wind River
Android combines the ubiquity of cell phones, the excitement of open source software, and the corporate backing of Google and other Open Handset Alliance members like Intel, TI, T-Mobile, and NTT DoCoMo. The result is a mobile platform you can’t aff
日本NTT DoCoMo公司6月1日表示,该公司已与香港和记国际电讯的一家子公司建立了合作伙伴关系,在香港和澳门推出其i-mode移动网络接入服务。DoCoMo称,和记电讯(香港)公司将于今年年底之前发布i-mode服务。DoCoMo与和记电讯(香港)公司还同意考虑提供非接触式IC卡技术服务。 最近几年,DoCoMo在对美国运营商AT&T以及荷兰运营商KPN Mobile N.V.等公司进行大手笔投资后,又把主要精力集中到在海外建立i-mode许可关系上。在日本之外的13家运营商已经推出基于