由于从android studio 3.0开始支持kotlin语言,或者旧版本中通过kotlin插件来支持kotlin语言的开发,导致无法继续使用软件自带的javadoc生成工具为工程生成API注释文档。根据官网介绍,kotlin语言可通过Dokka插件来生成API注释文档,但手动配置脚本然后通过命令行来生成文档的流程比较繁琐,且容易出错,因此开发了此款工具“GenerateDokka.exe”,该工具具有自动完成上述所有流程的功能,且软件界面、使用方式均与javadoc生成工具类似,该工具使
dokka Dokka is a documentation engine for Kotlin, performing the same function as javadoc for Java. Just like Kotlin itself, Dokka fully supports mixed-language Java/Kotlin projects. It understands standard Javadoc comments in Java files and KDoc co
Kotlin multiplatform standard • Kotlin multiplatform standard provides a standard setup for Kotlin multiplatform projects. With this setup, youll be able to share Kotlin code between Android, JVM and iOS. The code will compile to a platform specifi