可以迅速修改网卡的MAC地址 == 使用简介 == [ UnPacked.by.KuNgBiM ] 2006-12-30 [ 汉化:peid ] 2006-12-31 1) 选择网卡 2) 输入新的 MAC 地址或删除现有的 3) 重启网卡 命令行指令: macmakeup.exe <count | | clear [quiet] enum: get a list of all the interfaces present, even virtual ones set : se
用于游戏窗口大小调整AltDrag Made by Stefan Sundin Drag windows with the mouse when pressing the alt key. You can use the middle or right mouse button to resize windows. If you press the shift key while you drag or resize, the window will stick to other window
SREngLdr修复软件 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- KZTechs.COM is a personal technical website created by Smallfrogs on 2004. Smallfrogs, the Microsoft MVP from 2004, has wroted many useful softwares and ar
NetStumbler v0.4.0 Release Notes Marius Milner Thank you for your interest in NetStumbler. It is provided to you as a convenience, at no cost and without warranty. If you don't like it, or if you feel that it doesn't quite do what you want, you are
Estso de caso:多拉广场。
plataforma tem como objetivo receberdoaçõesdeusuários。 Podemos utilizar Vakinha como um exemplo denegócio。
由于issues阙serão作为tarefas一个SEREM feitas,serãogerenciadas PELO PROPRIO Github 。 Sãoformadas p