摘要: 针对G PR S 无线通信终端在现代生活中的广泛应用, 提出了一种基于A R M 9 的嵌入式无线通信终端的实现方 案。该系统是以三星公司的微控制器S3C 2410 为核心, 以G PR S 无线通信模块、微控制器与G PR S 的连接模块、数据存储 模块为扩展外围的硬件平台。文章详细描述了具体实现流程, 并对接收短信、发送短信、打电话、接电话的无线通信功能给 出了详尽说明。 关键词: G PR S; S3C 2410; W inC E ; 嵌入式; 无线通信终端
The PNX4908 low-cost GSM/GPRS/E-GPRS solution is built on NXP's proven single-chip architecture and world-class RF performance from the Aero transceiver core.
iPhone的应用程序开发 Certain technologies bring out everyone's hidden geek, and the iPhone did so instantly upon its release. Thousands of programmers want to provide applications on the iPhone, and this book shows you how to achieve the spectacular effect
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Algorithm Collections for Digital Signal Processing Applications using by E.S. Gopi National Institute of Technology, Tiruchi, India The Algorithms such as SVD, Eigen decomposition, Gaussian Mixture Model, PSO, Ant Colony etc. are scattered in diffe