This paper analyzes elements of remote invocation method, points out the initialization, JNDI search and remote invocation are the keyfactors affecting the EJB performance. Thus, an idea optimizing EJB design pattern is proposed. Based on the theory
传统的J2EE架构方案得到的结果常常无法让人满意:过于复杂的应用程序、令人失望的性能、难以测试、开发和维护成本高昂。 事情原本不必这样的。对于绝大多数应用程序,原本应该有更好的选择。在本书中,我们将向读者介绍一种更加简单、而又不失强大的架构方案。这种方案有作者多年的J2EE经验作为支撑,并且使用了诸如控制反转(Inversion of Control,IoC)和AOP等较新的技术。它用更加轻量级、更加灵活的基础设施取代了EJB,并因此受益良多。本书作者和其他很多人已经在很多真实应用中使用了这种
JBoss AS 5 Performance Tuning will teach you how to deliver fast applications on the JBoss Application Server and Apache Tomcat, giving you a decisive competitive advantage over your competitors. You will learn how to optimize hardware resources, me