信号与系统 奥本海默 习题答案 英文 Exercise Ch. 1 1.1 Express each of the following complex numbers in Cartesian form (x+jy): (3) ejp/2 = cos(p/2)+j sin(p/2)=j (6)ejp/4 =[cos(p/4)+j sin(p/4)]=1+j 1.2 Express each of the following complex numbers in polar form (r ej
############ 提取数据 Declare cur_b Cursor For select documentno,policyno,deskdate,mancode,kindcode,insurant,mainamount into documentnov,policynov,deskdatev,mancodev,kindcodev,insurantv,mainamountv from sf02 where deskdate between sdate and edate and ks