In the OpenGL® ES 2.0 Programming Guide, three leading authorities on the Open GL ES 2.0 interface—including the specification’s editor—provide start-to-finish guidance for maximizing the interface’s value in a wide range of high-performance applica
opengl es 2.0 API 网上没提供下载...俺提供! opengl es 2.0全面抛弃了 固定渲染管线.只能说shader的时代越来越近了..先下手为强 哈哈.反正nehe已经老黄历了.shader当道.感觉图形学门槛高了一大截.无论怎么说对很多opengl半瓶子来说是个坏消息吧,白学那么多API了,对算法至上的人类来说,算是个好消息吧.至少在嵌入式opengl上面是个巨大的变化了.es 2.0书还是有的,俺都看过了.感觉函数一下子干净了好多.非常完美的图形API.
1. Introduction to OpenGL ES 2.0 2. Hello Triangle: An OpenGL ES 2.0 Example 3. An Introduction to EGL 4. Shaders and Programs 5. OpenGL ES Shading Language 6. Vertex Attributes, Vertex Arrays, and Buffer Objects 7. Primitive Assembly and Rasterizat