Now that multicore processors are coming to mobile devices, wouldn't it be great to take advantage of all those cores without having to manage threads? This concise book shows you how to use Apple's Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) to simplify programmi
大量修改图片大小的工具,一次把大量的图片拖放到〔drop images here〕按钮,点「shrink」填入宽度x高度,或者,点「percent」输入百分比,按一下原本拖放图片的大按钮,就可以将图片「缩放」成你想要的尺寸,转出来的档案预设储存位置是「modified」资料夹。 An high resolution program icon and visual progress in the taskbar have been added for Windows Vista and high
In Detail Cocos2d-x is the C++ port of arguably the most popular open source 2D framework in the world. Its predecessor was limited to the Apple family but with Cocos2d-x you can take your applications to all major app stores, with minimum extra wor
EasyBCD是一款系统引导相关的软件,EasyBCD能够极好地支持多种操作系统与Windows 7、Vista结合的多重启动,包括Linux、 Mac OS X、 BSD等,当然也包括微软自家的Windows 2000/XP。任何在安装Windows7 前其能够正常启动的系统,通过EasyBCD,均可保证其在安装Windows7后同样能够启动。
Swift OS X Programming for Absolute Beginners is your step-by-step guide to learning how to code using Swift, Apple's hottest new programming language. This book will not only teach complete programming novices how to write OS X programs, but it can