---------------------------------------------- Xffect Editor Pro Edition Copyright 2012- Shallway Studio Version 4.4.1 shallwaycn@gmail.com ---------------------------------------------- Thank you for buying Xffect Pro! If you have any questions, su
官网地址:https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/?stay#!/content/78464 半透明图像以最低的性能成本为您的游戏带来iOS/MacOS/Fluent设计漂亮的半透明用户界面,使其成为性能和功率关键平台(如移动设备)的完美选择 This extension requires one license per seat Requires Unity 5.5.0 or higher. Translucent Image brings iOS/Mac
unity3d UI插件 Procedural UI Image 2.1版; Create an infinite number of basic shapes without a ton of image resources. Control and animate border-width and border-radius. It is perfect for creating flat styled UI. Easy to understand and well-commented c
This volcanic disaster environment will provide you with a breathtaking landscape atmosphere. Resources include: -1 Volcanoes -3 Meteorite special effect -1 Fog effects -1 Smoke -1 Sky box TexTexture size: 512x512 to 4096x4096
unity游戏导航指南系统源码Compass Navigator Pro 1.6
Requires Unity 5.1.1 or higher.
Compass Navigator Pro is an UI component commonly used in adventure/world exploration games to show destinations and point of interests (POIs) as well as text indications.
Curved World is a vertex transformation shader for creating various shader bending effects. It is like displace or heighmap shader where texture is used to adjust mesh vertex position, but instead of a texture Curved World uses mesh vertex world-spa