

  1. WorkFlow Specify

  2. 流程运转功能..........................................................................5 1. 串行路由(Sequence Routing)............................................................................5 2. 并行路由(Parallel Routing).......................................
  3. 所属分类:Java

    • 发布日期:2004-05-17
    • 文件大小:71680
    • 提供者:chenxh
  1. Source code for "µC/OS-II 2.52"

  2. µC/OS-II, The Real-Time Kernel is a highly portable, ROMable, very scalable, preemptive real-time, multitasking kernel (RTOS) for microprocessors and microcontrollers. µC/OS-II can manage up to 255 tasks and provides the following services:Se maphor
  3. 所属分类:C

    • 发布日期:2007-08-06
    • 文件大小:1048576
    • 提供者:wslywsly
  1. Chilkat.NET.Components

  2. Zip an entire directory tree. Append entries to a Zip from in-memory data. Create or open in-memory Zips. Create self-extracing executables. Create password-protected Zip files. Unzip only files that match a filename pattern. Option to discard path
  3. 所属分类:Access

    • 发布日期:2009-04-28
    • 文件大小:1048576
    • 提供者:tonyctlu
  1. uCOSII [繁體版]

  2. Chapter 1, Sample Code This chapter is designed to allow you to quickly experiment with and use μC/OS-II. The chapter starts by showing you how to install the distribution diskette and describe the directories created. I then explain some of the cod
  3. 所属分类:C

    • 发布日期:2009-07-09
    • 文件大小:1048576
    • 提供者:channinglan
  1. The Linux Process Manager

  2. John O’Gorman Contents: 1 Introduction 2 Representing processes in Linux 3 Organising the task structures 4 Wait queues 5 Mutual exclusion with locks 6 Mutual exclusion with waiting 7 Scheduling 8 Process creation 9 Process termination 10 Interrupti
  3. 所属分类:Linux

    • 发布日期:2009-08-06
    • 文件大小:5242880
    • 提供者:lermontov
  1. RESTFUL.pdf

  2. RESTfulWeb Services Developer'sGuide SunMicrosystems, Inc. 4150Network Circle Santa Clara, CA 95054 U.S.A. PartNo: 820–4867–11 April 2009 Copyright 2009 SunMicrosystems, Inc. 4150Network Circle, Santa Clara, CA 95054 U.S.A. All rights reserved. SunM
  3. 所属分类:Java

    • 发布日期:2009-08-17
    • 文件大小:711680
    • 提供者:qq624304
  1. Concurrent Programming in Java 2ed.chm

  2. Chapter 1. Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming Section 1.1. Using Concurrency Constructs Section 1.2. Objects and Concurrency Section 1.3. Design Forces Section 1.4. Before/After Pat terns Chapter 2. Exclusion Section 2.1. Immutability Se
  3. 所属分类:Java

    • 发布日期:2007-10-12
    • 文件大小:1048576
    • 提供者:luogedai
  1. Tornado Train Workshop

  2. i Wind River Systems Tornado Training Workshop Wind River Systems, Inc. 500 Wind River Way Alameda, CA 94501 510-749-2141 FAX: 510-749-2378 training@wrs.com http://www.wrs.com/training Version 5.1 24 May 1999 TM ii Wind River Systems Copyright © Win
  3. 所属分类:Access

    • 发布日期:2009-09-07
    • 文件大小:907264
    • 提供者:xudaiyang3
  1. The Little Book of Semaphores

  2. 大量例子讲述Semaphore的应用。 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Synchronization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.2 Execution model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1.3 Serialization with messages . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  3. 所属分类:Python

    • 发布日期:2009-09-25
    • 文件大小:839680
    • 提供者:optima
  1. XSS_Attacks_-_Cross_Site_Scripting_Exploits_and_Defense_(Syngress-2007)

  2. Elsevier, Inc., the author(s), and any person or firm involved in the writing, editing, or production (collectively “Makers”) of this book (“the Work”) do not guarantee or warrant the results to be obtained from the Work. There is no guarantee of an
  3. 所属分类:专业指导

    • 发布日期:2009-10-07
    • 文件大小:7340032
    • 提供者:Flaght
  1. javamail 邮件服务

  2. English: Copyright © 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, California 95054, U.S.A. All rights reserved. Sun Microsystems, Inc. has intellectual property rights relating to technology embodied in the product that is describe
  3. 所属分类:Java

    • 发布日期:2009-10-12
    • 文件大小:2097152
    • 提供者:hwqishot
  1. The Java EE 5 Tutorial

  2. The Java EE 5 Tutorial Sun Microsystems, Inc. 4150 Network Circle Santa Clara, CA 95054 U.S.A. Copyright 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. 4150 Network Circle, Santa Clara, CA 95054 U.S.A. All rights reserved. Sun Microsystems, Inc. has intellectual prope
  3. 所属分类:Java

    • 发布日期:2009-12-10
    • 文件大小:9437184
    • 提供者:FrankGGYY
  1. The Annotated C++ Reference Manual

  2. Contents 1 C++ Extensions 3 1.1 Design Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1.2 Elementary Execution Properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
  3. 所属分类:C++

    • 发布日期:2009-12-12
    • 文件大小:1048576
    • 提供者:mhtsahng
  1. C++标准(Standard for Programming Language C++)

  2. 该资源不适合C、C++初学者,可作为C++高手向大师级进化的参考书。 内容: ... 17 Library introduction 17.1 General 17.2 The C standard library 17.3 Definitions 17.4 Additional definitions 17.5 Method of descr iption (Informative) 17.6 Library-wide requirements 18 Language support lib
  3. 所属分类:C

    • 发布日期:2009-12-15
    • 文件大小:10485760
    • 提供者:labplant
  1. iPhone Human Interface Guidelines(iPhone用户体验)

  3. 所属分类:其它

    • 发布日期:2009-12-25
    • 文件大小:8388608
    • 提供者:everplus
  1. sssssssssssssss

  2. wget 可以跟踪HTML页面上的链接依次下载来创建远程服务器的本地版本,完全重建原始站点的目录结构。这又常被称作"递归下载"。在递归下载的时候,wget 遵循Robot Exclusion标准(/robots.txt). wget可以在下载的同时,将链接转换成指向本地文件,以方便离线浏览。
  3. 所属分类:Web开发

    • 发布日期:2010-01-22
    • 文件大小:401408
    • 提供者:cbz6210499
  1. μCOS-II and Mutual Exclusion Semaphores.pdf

  2. μCOS-II and Mutual Exclusion Semaphores.pdf
  3. 所属分类:专业指导

    • 发布日期:2010-06-09
    • 文件大小:95232
    • 提供者:jg_ben
  1. Mutual Exclusion

  2. 英文版ppt 关于操作系统的互斥原理ppt文档 English Version ppt, which about mutual Exclusion for Opera System
  3. 所属分类:Windows Server

    • 发布日期:2015-05-26
    • 文件大小:439296
    • 提供者:github_27609763
  1. 详解 maven的pom.xml用<exclusion>解决版本问题

  2. 主要介绍了详解 maven的pom.xml用解决版本问题的相关资料,希望通过本文能帮助到大家,需要的朋友可以参考下
  3. 所属分类:其它

    • 发布日期:2020-08-29
    • 文件大小:32768
    • 提供者:weixin_38685831
  1. Poverty and Exclusion amongst EU Senior Citizens 欧盟老年人中的贫困和排斥-数据集

  2. 这是由欧盟开放数据门户托管的欧洲议会的数据集。 2011-conference-poverty-and-exclusion-amongst-senior-eu-citizens_metadata.json consensus_conference_poverty_report_en.pdf Poverty and Exclusion amongst EU Senior Citizens .txt
  3. 所属分类:其它

    • 发布日期:2021-03-12
    • 文件大小:254976
    • 提供者:weixin_38658568
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