Whar is it? 1. A language for automating interactive programs 2.A TCL extension 3.Public domain 4.Named after its most useful command four/fore most important commands a.spawn----start a program b.expect---wait for some input c.send---send something
xpect是一个免费的编程工具语言,用来实现自动和交互式任务进行通信,而无需人的干预。Expect的作者Don Libes在1990年开始编写Expect时对Expect做有如下定义:Expect是一个用来实现自动交互功能的软件套件(Expect [is a] software suite for automating interactive tools)。使用它系统管理员的可以创建脚本用来实现对命令或程序提供输入,而这些命令和程序是期望从终端(terminal)得到输入,一般来说这些输入都需
perl写expect脚本, Expect and using Expect with PERL. EXPECT: A TCL based Toolkit for Automating Interactive Tasks. Leveraging the task specific capabilities of Expect with the power and flexibility of PERL.
The article is written by Don Libes, the founder of Expect. It introduces the Expect scr ipt and list some examples for how to use it. It is one of the classic aritcles for Expect.