Get the defintive guide to the Windows Presentation Fundation (WPF),the new client programming interface for the Microsoft. Net Framework 3.0 and Windows Vista.Award-winning author Charles petzold teches you how to combine C#code and the Extensible
Kali Linux是基于Debian的Linux发行版, 设计用于数字取证和渗透测试。由Offensive Security Ltd维护和资助。最先由Offensive Security的Mati Aharoni和Devon Kearns通过重写BackTrack来完成,BackTrack是他们之前写的用于取证的Linux发行版。 Kali Linux预装了许多渗透测试软件,包括nmap (端口扫描器)、Wireshark (数据包分析器)、John the Ripper (密码破解器),以
Kali Linux是基于Debian的Linux发行版, 设计用于数字取证和渗透测试。由Offensive Security Ltd维护和资助。最先由Offensive Security的Mati Aharoni和Devon Kearns通过重写BackTrack来完成,BackTrack是他们之前写的用于取证的Linux发行版。 Kali Linux预装了许多渗透测试软件,包括nmap (端口扫描器)、Wireshark (数据包分析器)、John the Ripper (密码破解器),以
Pyramid Stereo Matching Network (PSMNet)的代码。 Recent work has shown that depth estimation from a stereo pair of images can be formulated as a supervised learning task to be resolved with convolutional neural networks (CNNs). However, current architec