Use write access at your own risk! Although it seems to work for me, it is possible that a bug could cause your filesystem or even disk to become unusable! Now, with that out of the way, make sure read support is working, then when you are feeling c
explore2fs, the Linux file system utility for Windows NT Copyright (C) 2005 John Newbigin This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Fou
你曾经在Linux操作系统下载了很多文件,但是当你重新开启在Windows9x/NT时,却忘了把文件copy过来吗?explore2fs就像是一个explorer能读取你的ext2fs分割区的软件。 Explore2fs is a GUI explorer tool for accessing ext2 and ext3 filesystems. It runs under all versions of Windows and can read almost any ext2 and ext