This book teaches F#, by example, as a compiled language rather than a scr ipting language. By this I mean most examples are designed to be compiled with the fsc.exe compiler, either in Visual Studio or on a command line, rather than executed intera
了解用 M F C来做什么涉及到对4个基本概念的理解:Windows API怎样创建窗口;M F C如何封装并改进Wi n d o w s A P I;M F C如何与窗口通信以及M F C是怎样控制绘图任务的。除了这些概念以外,本部分将讨论一下工具栏和状态栏。最后我们将讨论一下 M F C如何同非Wi n d o w s构件进行通信,如串行口和I n t e r n e t站点。
With Microsoft’s introduction of the .NET platform, a new, exciting programming language was born. Visual C# is now the language of choice for developing on the .NET platform, and Microsoft has even written a majority of the .NET Framework using Vis