All the time I hear people talking about software projects as journeys, and I think they are implying that software projects are not just journeys, but they are journeys into the unknown. We start with funding from a sponsor, muster together a stout
All the time I hear people talking about software projects as journeys, and I think they are implying that software projects are not just journeys, but they are journeys into the unknown. We start with funding from a sponsor, muster together a stout
小工具进行显卡的测试温度,帧数等。。 FurMark - GPU stress test and OpenGL benchmark. Copyright ?2007-2011 Jerome 'JeGX' Guinot, All rights reserved. http://www.oZone3D.Net *************************************************** THIS SOF
It is an advanced smart power module (SPMTM) that Fairchild has newly developed and designed to provide very compact and high performance ac motor drives mainly targeting low- power inverter-driven application like air conditioner and wash- ing mach
A n ov el d iv ider bas ed on dual 2b it alg or ithm and it s V LSI im plemen tati on are pres en ted. C om pared w ith the d iv ider o f MI PS m icr opr ocess or ,it decreas es the av erag e ex ecu ting cy cles by 5215 % wh ile it s max imum delay
The latest edition of this bestselling game development reference offers proven tips and techniques for the real-time rendering of special effects and visualization data that are useful for beginners and seasoned game and graphics programmers alike.
Since their introduction to Unity, Shaders have been notoriously difficult to understand and implement in games: complex mathematics have always stood in the way of creating your own Shaders and attaining that level of realism you crave. With Shader
Book Descr iption: Since their introduction to Unity, Shaders have been notoriously difficult to understand and implement in games: complex mathematics have always stood in the way of creating your own Shaders and attaining that level of realism you
Little Fur of Fur是用于Python的图形采样扩展库。
Little Fur of Fur包含可以从图形结构化数据中采样的方法。简而言之,它是用于图形采样任务的瑞士军刀。首先,它包括各种各样的顶点,边线和探索采样技术。其次,它提供了统一的应用程序公共接口,这使得采样算法的应用对于最终用户而言变得微不足道。实现的方法涵盖广泛的网络(, , )和数据挖掘( , , )会议,讲习班,以及从突出件的期刊。