Expressions of Faraday’s law of induction in media,张涛,,Problem with existing expression of Faraday’s law of induction in media was shown. Reactions (magnetization, polarization, induced magnetization) of media to electric field and m
We study the Faraday rotation of polarization of a probe field in a cold, coherently driven five-level system with an M-type configuration. By means of a method of multiple scales we derive two coupled nonlinear envelope equations, which govern the e
We demonstrate a narrowband optical filter which operates on the 52S1/2 to 52P3/2 transition at 780 nm in rubidium vapor based on optical-pumping-induced dichroism combined with Faraday anomalous dispersion effects. Its peak transmission is 18.4(2)%
Quantum key distribution (QKD) is a major research topic because it provides unconditional security. Unfortunately, many imperfections remain in QKD's experimental realization. The Faraday–Michelson (FM) QKD system is proposed to eliminate these impe
We experimentally demonstrate a Faraday laser at Rb 1529 nm transition by using a performance-improved Rb electrodeless-discharge-lamp-based excited-state Faraday anomalous dispersion optical filter as the frequency-selective element. Neither the ele