As a 3D game programmer, sooner or later the time comes when you get bored with spinning cubes and flying space ships in space. You want fully articulated 3D characters and animation. So you start looking on Internet for information thereof, and soo
《学习 3D 模型》,英文名《Focus On 3D Models》,作者 Evan Pipho,大小 11 Mb,本书是为英文版。内容简介: Aimed at beginning game programmers--preferably with knowledge of C++, algebra, and trigonometry--provides an overview of the most popular 3D modeling file formats and covers ne
This is a good learning exaggerated topography of the resources inside the exaggerated terrain on the various technical, and inside the code can be compiled through and the results would be terrific!
Understand how to load various 3D model formats. ■ Display and animate various types of models in your programs. ■ Understand how skeletal animation, the innovation that uses “bones” within models for animation purposes, works. Skeletal animation us