王小平版遗传算法的光盘源代码 SGPC: Simple Genetic Programming in C by Walter Alden Tackett and Aviram Carmi (gpc@ipld01.hac.com) Version 1.1 (c) 1993 by Walter Alden Tackett and Aviram Carmi This code and documentation is copyrighted and is not in the public dom
Fast Memory Manager A fast replacement memory manager for Borland Delphi Win32 applications that scales well under multi-threaded usage, is not prone to memory fragmentation, and supports shared memory without the use of external .DLL files.
E:Fast Memory Manager A fast replacement memory manager for Borland Delphi Win32 applications that scales well under multi-threaded usage, is not prone to memory fragmentation, and supports shared memory without the use of external .DLL files.
hping2 is a network tool able to send custom ICMP/UDP/TCP packets and to display target replies like ping do with ICMP replies. hping2 handle fragmentation, arbitrary packet body and size and can be used in order to transfer files under supported pr
This document talks about Low Fragmentation Heap on Windows. It's very useful for us to debug application crash issue which is caused by LFH corruption issue. Blackhat USA 2010 Chris Valasek X-Force Researcher
This document talks about Low Fragmentation Heap on Windows. It's very useful for us to debug application crash issue which was caused by LFH corruption issue. Blackhat USA 2010 Chris Valasek X-Force Researcher
we propose a data fragmentation scheme to increase channel utilization and avoid inevitable collision. Our proposed scheme outperforms the standard IEEE 802.15.4 MAC in terms of collision probability and aggregate throughput. The proposed scheme is
【英文】瑞银报告:中国电子商务碎片化报告 China Internet Sector: China e-commerce market fragmentation(36P),资源名称:【英文】瑞银报告:中国电子商务碎片化报告 China Internet Sector China e-commerce market fragmentation(36P)瑞银-中国电子商务碎片化报告China Internet SectorWhat is dr...
A powerful library that manage Fragment for Android!为"单Activity + 多Fragment","多模块Activity 多Fragment"架构而生,简化开发,轻松解决动画、嵌套、事务相关等问题。为了更好的使用和了解该库,推荐阅读下面的文章:Fragment全解析系列(一):那些年踩过的坑Fragment全解析系列(二):正确的使用姿势Demo演示:均为单Activity 多Fragment,第一个为简单流式demo,第二个为仿微信交
Tadpole-shaped Au nano-particles with controllable tails are successfully fabricated by simply using laser fragmentation of separated Au nano-spheres in liquid. The optimum laser power densities (1.5–3 GW/cm2) can enable part of the individual Au nan
We demonstrate the control of neutral fragmentation of methane (CH4) induced by a Ti:sapphire intense laser pulse (800 nm, 40 fs) by using a pump–probe spectroscopy. Enhancement of the fluorescence emission from the neutral radical CH (A2Δ → X2Π) ind