跨平台的C++FTP客户端源码 class ftpclient { public: ftpclient(const char* connmode="port", const char* transmode="binary"); ~ftpclient(void); int connect(const char* addr, short port); int disconnect(); int login(const char* username, const char* passwd); int
#include #include ;---------------------读取FTP设置信息------------------------ Global Const $config = @scr iptDir & "\FTPCONFIG.INI" If FileExists($config) Then Global $server = IniRead($config, "set", "server", "") Global $username = IniRead($config,
RockWell FTPC平台API
The following help documentationis accessed from the HELP menu in Process Designer or from the Helplink on the FactoryTalk ProductionCentre main page:
•Process Designer APIMethod Summary: Describes Plant Operations classes and