Brief History This ECMA Standard is based on several originating technologies, the most well known being Javascr ipt (Netscape) and Jscr ipt (Microsoft). The language was invented by Brendan Eich at Netscape and first appeared in that company’s Navi
This is something of a curious, atypical book for the technical genre (and as the author, I should know). I say this because this tome is intended to be of interest to an unusually broad and diverse readership. The primary audience comprises fully f
这本书在国内已经绝版。目录如下 Introduction Dorit S. Hochbaum 0.1 What can approximation algorithms do for you: an illustrative example 0.2 Fundamentals and concepts 0.3 Objectives and organization of this book 0.4 Acknowledgments I Approximation Algorithms for Sc
* Illustrates points throughout using real-life case studies drawn from the author's extensive international experience in the field of telecommunications * Fully updated to include the latest developments, key topics covered include: Advanced routi
研究关于未来互联网的架构和设计的相关问题。 Architecture and Design for the Future Internet addresses the Networks of the Future and the Future Internet, focusing on networks aspects, offering both technical and non-technical perspectives. It presents the main findings o
Crafting Your Research Future A Guide to Successful Master's and Ph.D. Degrees in Science Engineering.How to do research especially useful to Post-Doctor and Master Degree.
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1- Having a view all button besides the "OUR TEAM" header seems pretty redundant.
2- Privacy - terms at the VERY bottom of the page. Do we have terms and privac
We investigate the principles of optical phase remodulation and demonstrate its application in a future-proof 10 Gb/s/channel wavelength-division-multiplexed (WDM) passive optical network to realize a colorless optical network unit and bidirectional