G.729音频压缩传输协议(IP电话)CODING OF SPEECH AT 8 kbit/s USING CONJUGATE-STRUCTUREALGEBRAIC-CODE-EXCITED LINEAR-PREDICTION (CS-ACELP)This Recommendation contains the descr iption of an algorithm for the coding of speech si gnals at 8 kbit/s usingConjugate-St
Historically, a course on data structures has been a mainstay of most computerscience departments. Over the last 18 years, however, the focus of this coursehas broadened considerably. The topic of data structures has now been subsumed<br&g t;unde
Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics 4316 Edited by S. Istrail, P. Pevzner, and M. Waterman Editorial Board: A. Apostolico S. Brunak M. Gelfand T. Lengauer S. Miyano G. Myers M.-F. Sagot D. Sankoff R. Shamir T. Speed M. Vingron W. Wong Subseries of Lectu
G Data杀毒软件是一款德国顶级安全软件,采用BitDefender+avast!双引擎,运行速度稳定;具有病毒监控、EMAIL病毒拦截器、 EMAIL防护、支持在线自动更新等功能,可以阻挡来自互联网的病毒、蠕虫、黑客后门、特洛伊木马、拨号程序、广告软件、间谍软件等所有威胁;支持对压缩文件、电子邮件即时扫描,支持启发式病毒扫描,支持密码保护,有详细的日志方便查询,对计算机提供永久安全防护。最大优点是,只要病毒或木马录入病毒库,它在病毒运行前拦截,不会出现中毒后再杀毒的情况。 【产品功能】 病
Data hiding, a form of steganography, embeds data into digital media for the purpose of identification, annotation, and copyright. Seve constraints affect this process: the quantity of data to be hidden, the need for invariance of the data under cond
G.729标准文档及参考代码 This Recommendation contains the descr iption of an algorithm for the coding of speech signals at 8 kbit/s using Conjugate-Structure Algebraic-Code-Excited Linear-Prediction (CS-ACELP). This coder is designed to operate with a digital
An approach of speech inform ation hiding based on G.729 scheme,and ABS(Analysis—by—synthesis) algorithm of speech inform ation hiding and extracting, which form ing the theoretical basis for designing a secure speech com m unication system are prop
目录: Part I: Intelligent Systems and Data Mining Some Considerations in Multi-Source Data Fusion R.R. Yager yager@panix.com Granular Nested Causal Complexes L.J. Mazlack mazlack@uc.edu Gene Regulating Network Discovery Y. Cao vc23@ee.duke.edu, P.P. W
PREFACE Purpose/Goals This book describes data structures, methods of organizing large amounts of data, and algorithm analysis, the estimation of the running time of algorithms. As computers become faster and faster, the need for programs that can h
gcc-g++-4.5.1.tar 源码包 *** Changes in GCC 3.4: * Changes in GCC 3.4 are described in 'gcc-3.4/changes.html' *** Changes in GCC 3.3: * The "new X = 3" extension has been removed; you must now use "new X(3)". * G++ no longer allows in-class initializat
Experiments, observations, and numerical simulations in many areas of science and business are currently generating terabytes of data, and in some cases are on the verge of generating petabytes and beyond. Analyses of the information contained in th