

  1. GNU C++ for Linux.chm

  2. GNU C++ for Linux 学习Linux下C++编程的参考书
  3. 所属分类:C++

    • 发布日期:2010-01-23
    • 文件大小:1048576
    • 提供者:lovelr1209
  1. Linux C编程一站式学习 CHM

  2. CHM 格式 带详细的树形目录 2009.4.5 修订历史 修订 0.6 2009.2.27 添加了GFDL许可证,正式网络发布。第三部分还很粗糙,错误也有不少,有待改进。第一部分和第二部分已经比较成熟,第二部分还差三章没写。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 目录 历史 前言 I. C语言入门 1. 程序的基本概念 1. 程序和编程语言 2. 自然语言和形式语言 3
  3. 所属分类:C

    • 发布日期:2010-11-08
    • 文件大小:4194304
    • 提供者:sinomanbest
  1. GNU C++ for linux

  2. Professional Development Guide
  3. 所属分类:C/C++

    • 发布日期:2011-04-09
    • 文件大小:1048576
    • 提供者:hapah
  1. GNU.C++.for.Linux.chm

  2. GNU.C++.for.Linux.chmGNU.C++.for.Linux.chmGNU.C++.for.Linux.chmGNU.C++.for.Linux.chm
  3. 所属分类:C++

    • 发布日期:2011-08-04
    • 文件大小:1048576
    • 提供者:ghlzs
  1. GNU.C++.for.Linux.chm

  2. 全面介绍linux下C++编程,英文版,边学编程边学英语的好资料
  3. 所属分类:C++

    • 发布日期:2011-10-20
    • 文件大小:1048576
    • 提供者:stef3390
  1. GNU C++ for Linux.chm

  2. GNU stands for GNU is Not UNIX-an intentionally recursive definition. GNU C++ is one of many pieces of the GNU project, which, through the Free Software Foundation (FSF), encourages the free distribution of computer software.
  3. 所属分类:C++

    • 发布日期:2008-09-15
    • 文件大小:1048576
    • 提供者:yishun
  1. sed_awk.chm

  2. This book is about a set of oddly named UNIX utilities, sed and awk. These utilities have many things in common, including the use of regular expressions for pattern matching. Since pattern matching is such an important part of their use, this book
  3. 所属分类:C

    • 发布日期:2008-09-28
    • 文件大小:778240
    • 提供者:zhyiwww
  1. Building Embedded Linux Systems.chm

  2. Chapter 1. Introduction Section 1.1. Definitions Section 1.2. Real Life and Embedded Linux Systems Section 1.3. Example Multicomponent System Section 1.4. Design and Implementation Methodology Chapter 2. Basic Concepts Section 2.1. Types of Hosts Se
  3. 所属分类:Linux

    • 发布日期:2008-11-10
    • 文件大小:1048576
    • 提供者:joyself
  1. Sams.Programming.In.Objective-C.chm

  2. Chapter 1. Introduction The "C" programming language was pioneered by Dennis Ritchie at AT&T Bell Laboratories in the early 1970s. It was not until the late 1970s, however, that this programming language began to gain widespread popularity and suppo
  3. 所属分类:C

    • 发布日期:2009-03-18
    • 文件大小:1048576
    • 提供者:zhoujuan520
  1. Tom Swan的《Linux下的C++编程》

  2. 非常好的Linux环境下的C++编程书籍。很容易懂的哦。Tom Swan's GNU C++ for Linux (Professional Dev. Guide).chm
  3. 所属分类:C++

    • 发布日期:2009-04-19
    • 文件大小:1048576
    • 提供者:c1520006273
  1. python3.6.5参考手册 chm

  2. Python参考手册,官方正式版参考手册,chm版。以下摘取部分内容:Navigation index modules | next | Python » 3.6.5 Documentation » Python Documentation contents What’s New in Python What’s New In Python 3.6 Summary – Release highlights New Features PEP 498: Formatted string liter
  3. 所属分类:Python

    • 发布日期:2018-04-15
    • 文件大小:7340032
    • 提供者:ly_564963745