This document provides an experimental analysis of the JGraph component, based on working examples. Source code from the JGraphpad application will be used, together with two additional examples. One example is a diagram editor, the other is a GXL t
主成分分析 数学建模 function [R]=zcffx(X) %输出相关矩阵R B=X(1:end);%将矩阵展开 juzhi=mean(B); biaozhuncha=std(B); [m,n]=size(X); C=zeros(14,8); %将矩阵标准化,运用标准差标准化 for i=1:m for j=1:n C(i,j)=((X(i,j)-juzhi)/biaozhuncha); end end R=corrcoef(C);%相关矩阵 [V,D]=eig(R);%求相关矩阵R的特
The Graphviz layout programs take descr iptions of graphs in a simple text language, and make diagrams in useful formats, such as images and SVG for web pages, PDF or Postscr ipt for inclusion in other documents; or display in an interactive graph b