This package contains the Matlab implementation of our face preprocessing pipeline, local ternary pattern feature set and distance transform-based similarity metric. See the following two papers for details: [1] X.Tan and B.Triggs. Enhanced Local Te
This package contains the Matlab implementation of our face preprocessing pipeline, local ternary pattern feature set and distance transform-based similarity metric. See the following two papers for details: [1] X.Tan and B.Triggs. Enhanced Local Te
A Practical Guide to Ubuntu Linux Ubuntu Linux 实战手册 183 7 The Shell 219 PART III Digging into Ubuntu Linux 249 8 Linux GUIs: X and GNOME 251 9 The Bourne Again Shell 275 10 Networking and the Internet 353 11 Programming the Bourne Again Shell 395 x
Face Detection Program for MATLAB using Gabor Feature Extraction and Neural Networks ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1- copy all files and directories to the MATLAB's work folder * In order to run the program you mus
gaborconvolve.m Code for convolving an image with a bank of log-Gabor filters. A pre-processing step for texture analysis, feature detection and classification
用matlab编写的人脸识别程序 This package contains the Matlab implementation of our face preprocessing pipeline, local ternary pattern feature set and distance transform-based similarity metric. See the following two papers for details: [1] X.Tan and B.Triggs.
function [tfr,dgr,gam]=tfrgabor(sig,N,q,h,trace) %TFRGABOR Gabor representation of a signal. % [TFR,DGR,GAM]=TFRGABOR(SIG,N,Q,H,TRACE) computes the Gabor % representation of signal X, for a given synthesis window H, on a % rectangular grid of size (