一个很好用的取色器。Color Picker Pro is a small drag and drop savvy application that aids in capturing hex, RGB and HSL color values for use in CSS and HTML production
这是一个小巧的界面取色器,文件内含取色器主文件一个、帮助文件一个。使用方法:打开要取色的界面,激活取色器界面,鼠标移动到要选取的颜色处按“F2”键,即可装该处颜色值存到“剪贴板”,可以在记事本中粘贴得到颜色值。 This is a small app to pick up any color from the screen as HTML code (i.e. C0E3E3), HTML color name (i.e. Blue), RGB (i.e. 126,212,255) or as