Abstract Hair is one of the crucial elements in representing believable digi- tal humans. It is one of the most challenging elements, too, due to the large number of hairs on a human head, their length, and their complex interactions. Hair appearanc
Detection and Analysis of Hair Yaser Yacoob and Larry S. Davis IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PATTERN ANALYSIS AND MACHINE INTELLIGENCE, VOL. 28, NO. 7, JULY 2006
Light scattering from hair is normally simulated in computer graphics using Kajiya and Kay’s classic phenomenological model. We have made new measurements of scattering from individual hair fibers that exhibit visually significant effects not predic
内容介绍: GMH2 (Geo Maya Hair 2) is a more advanced version of GMH scr ipt, specialized in hair modeling & stylizing, developed by Phung Dinh Dzung at Thunder Cloud Studio. User can easily model complex hair styles using traditional polygon modeling met