真正的Hi3520D/Hi3515A/Hi3515C H.264 CODEC Processor Data Sheet芯片数据手册,英文版 This document describes the features, logical structures, functions, operating modes, and related registers of each module of the Hi3520D/Hi3515A/Hi3515C. This document also descr
1.osdrv commands descr iption: The design idea of this catalog is to fulfil the requirement that compiling the same set of source code with two different compilation tool chains. So an extra parameter to specify a specific compiler tool chain is nee
针对E1传输信道的特点,将视频编解码芯片Hi3520D与IP over E1技术结合,设计了一种基于E1信道的视频数据传输系统。该系统以Hi3520D嵌入式Linux系统为平台,采用型号为5CEBA7F23C7的FPGA,配合IP over E1技术,实现IP视频数据在E1信道传输。详细介绍了各部分功能,给出了整体功能框图,硬件原理框图和软件流程图。实际工程应用表明:该设计简单可靠,可满足单路不高于720P视频数据在E1信道的传输要求,具备较高推广价值。