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密码 123456 The Designer s Guide to High-Purity Oscillators Oscillatory systems exist everywhere, from our planet circulating around the sun with a period of 365.2422 days in an average tropical year; to a pendulum in an antique clock ticking every se
This CD ROM accompanies the book 揜obust Control Design with MATLAB?by Da-Wei Gu, Petko H. Petkov and Mihail M. Konstantinov, Copyright Springer-Verlag, London, 2005. The disk contains the following folders: mds M-files for robust control design and
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博士磨难(The Ph.D. Grind)是一本很火的书,作者Philip是MIT的本科和硕士,Stanford的PhD。他读博的历程并非一帆风顺,也经历过不少迷茫和痛苦。想读博或正在读博的人可以借鉴吸取经验。仁者见仁智者见智。
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