时间函数举例程序分析 2.程序源代码: #include "stdio.h" #include "time.h" void main() { time_t lt; /*define a longint time varible*/ lt=time(NULL);/*system time and date*/ printf(ctime(<)); /*english format output*/ printf(asctime(localtime(<)));/* tranfer to
The MC9S12E128 (E128) is designed for the low-cost, general-purpose distribution market with 8K of RAM and 128K FLASH. The E128 is a member of the MC9S12E Family of 16-bit FLASH-based microcontrollers. It is the first of a series of new low-cost, ge
卫星广播(DTH=Direct To Home)的电视节目通常有两种,一种是不加密的,称为FTA(Free To All),只要有一般的收视设备就可以收看。它一般是公益性质、宗教性质,宣传性质或广告性质的,其支撑费用通过其他途径得到;另一种是加密的,即所谓“有条件收视”,除了一般设备外,还需要收视卡才能收看。它一般是盈利性质的或是出于特殊理由的,前者是要收视者付费后才能收视,以便让节目商赚进尽可能多的钱;后者是仅让特定的人能享受,防止其他人接触。
This page is the home of the Filesystem Hierarchy Standard (FHS). The current version is 2.3. It was announced on January 29, 2004. The filesystem standard has been designed to be used by Unix distribution developers, package developers, and system