the Source is decompiled by Icebird, and compiled on 2002 Decompiled by Icebird!! Now you can easily add the ability to edit formatted text to your ASP.NET web site. By using the RichTextBox server control your site visitors have access to a
•Monitor and optimize database performance with the Plan Analyzer, Performance Analysis, SQL Monitor, Database Statistics, Recompute Selectivity of all Indices, Recompile Procedures and Triggers, global Stored Procedure/Trigger Operations Index anal
Preface and Acknowledgments Welcome to our online textbook, Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach. We ( Jim Kurose, Keith Ross, and Addison-Wesley-Longman) think you will find this textbook to be very different than the other computer networking
1,ATLAux.zipA set of VC++ helpers and patterns to help automate some routine coding tasks.(35KB)2,CltnWizard.zipATL object wizard that creates a collection of other COM objects(37KB)3, lt;br>A grid control for displaying tabular d
1,01.zipDisplaying a 256 color bitmap在程序中显示256色的位图(6KB)2,02.zipCreating a bitmap object from a BMP file从位图文件中创建位图对象(6KB)3,03.zipAn auto-sizing bitmap picture control一个自适应大小的位图控件(16KB)4,04.zipWriting a bitmap to a BMP file将一个位图写到BMP文件中(11KB)5,05.zipB
The rapid growth of the Web in the last decade makes it the largest publicly accessible data source in the world. Web mining aims to discover useful information or knowledge from Web hyperlinks, page contents, and usage logs.
VBA_300句 Option Explicit GetAddress=Replace(Hyperlinkcell.Hyperlinks(1).Address,mailto: Dim xlApp As Excel.Application Dim xlBook As Excel.Workbook Dim xlSheet As Excel.WorkSheet Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application") Set xlBook = xlApp.Workb
ErrorLog 介绍 ErrorLog allows web developers quick and easy access to clearly formatted entries from the apache error_log file, viewable through a standard browser. It is designed with the developer in mind, with a focus on debugging CGI error logs. I
Welcome to our online textbook, Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach. We ( Jim Kurose, Keith Ross, and Addison-Wesley-Longman) think you will find this textbook to be very different than the other computer networking books that are currently ava
This document specifies the third version of the Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language (SMIL,pronounced "smile"). SMIL 3.0 has the following design goals:● Define an XML-based language that allows authors to write interactive multimedia prese